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3 Red Flags of an Inefficient Project Manager

Written by Sara Duong, Consultant | Dec 19, 2017 9:49:17 PM

Project management is both a science and an art form. There are many project management methodologies and tools out there to help a project manager, but without the human touch, you are less likely to be successful in pushing your projects through on time, on schedule, and within budget.  A good project manager is how efficient and effective they are at getting things done. However, there are many project managers who go through the motions without the “people” aspect that really makes a project manager successful.

Here are the telltale signs of a project manager who has not quite gotten the “art” form down yet:

Your deadline is constantly getting pushed out

A great Project Manager advocates for the success of your project. Even when your project is approved, projects are delayed because of lack of resources, different priorities, or missed requirements. Your Project Manager should be fighting for resources and driving conversations to move your project to the top of the priority list.  That means more than just emailing those involved. It means constant follow up by different forms of communication if necessary to push your project through. Your Project Manager should be upfront when requirements are missed and not hide them to the end so that they can drive the project to the finish line.

No one is doing what they have been assigned to do

For the most part, Project Managers work with teams they do not manage or supervise directly. This could be a barrier. An effective Project Manager finds ways to motivate team members one on one and know when to escalate to Project Owner or management accordingly. 

The key to motivating someone you don’t directly manage is to understand their barriers. Most common barriers include time, priorities, or resistance to change.  Once your project manager understands what is holding team members back, a good project manager would be their advocate and work with them to break through. 

Project success is Project Manager’s primary focus, so it is imperative that you identify and overcome all barriers quickly and effectively, without being afraid to escalate when necessary.  Ultimately project completion is their responsibility, and they should not use team member barriers as an excuse for project delays.

You don’t know what’s going on in your project

Having to manage your Project Manager is frustrating, exhausting, and complete unnecessary.  It’s not a surprise that communication is a pinnacle of a good Project Manager. However, a great Project Manager not only reports facts and status, but also practices frank and timely communication. Trustworthy Project Managers do not shy away from difficult news, mistakes and decisions.

So how do you check if you have an advocate, driver, and trustworthy Project Manager. Here are 3 things a project manager should focus on:

  • They Ask the Hard Questions  
  • They Advocate for You 
  • They are Focused on the Goal 

At Concentrus, our Customers will tell you our Project Managers do more than just manage budgets and a schedule. Our Project Managers are their advocates and trusted advisors.

If you are ready for us to drive your projects, contact us today!