If you’ve read any of my previous blog posts, you’ve probably gotten a sense of how much I like working with saved searches in NetSuite. In my opinion, the saved search functionality is one of the most powerful and easy-to-use tools available to NetSuite users; whether you are brand new to NetSuite or are a highly-experienced user with a technical background, you’ll find that saved searches can make accessing data fast and easy. In this post, we’ll discuss the basics of using Summary Types in saved searches (both as criteria and in the results) and look at a few practical examples that show how you can make use of Summary Types to enhance your searches.
NetSuite Tip: Utilizing Summary Types in Saved Searches
Tags: NetSuite How To's
5 Highlights of NetSuite Release 2019.2
NetSuite releases two system upgrades per year to all accounts, often providing new functionality within existing features in addition to launching brand new capabilities. Prior to being upgraded to the new release, all accounts are given access to a release preview environment that allows users to preview the changes in a sandbox-like setting. Detailed documentation describing all changes that are included as part of the new release are also provided at this time and can be accessed from the New Release portlet and in SuiteAnswers. In this post, I’m going to share the five changes that are being made as part of 2019.2 that I am most excited about.
Tags: NetSuite
How to Use Custom Record Types in NetSuite
One of the most under-utilized customization options available within NetSuite is custom records. In fact, the customization-related question that I have heard from users more than any other is “what do people use custom records for?” Although custom records are native NetSuite functionality, many seasoned users haven’t created any and can’t really envision any practical applications for them, especially since NetSuite has such a vast array of standard record types and fields already available. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the basic functionality and structure of custom records, and we’ll review some real-world applications to help give you some inspiration for ways you can use custom records in your NetSuite environment.
Tags: NetSuite How To's
Everything you need to know about SuiteAnalytics
The SuiteAnalytics Workbook tool is a user-friendly analytics tool that combines the abilities of a report, saved search, and Microsoft Excel all in one. Most users find themselves compiling a saved search or report within NetSuite, and then exporting the information outside to compile pivot or chart information within Excel.
Tags: NetSuite How To's
Assembly Unbuilds and Inventory Cost Impacts for NetSuite Users
What is a Saved Search?
When many organizations make the switch to an ERP such as NetSuite, one of their most common pain points is having disparate systems that don’t talk to each other and consequently data that doesn’t sync. Once on NetSuite all data is housed in one database and the opposite may happen, you have too much data and don’t know how to leverage it. In comes NetSuite saved searches. A NetSuite saved search is one of the most powerful tools NetSuite has to offer because you can use it for:
Creating custom searches and display only what you need
- Adding shortcuts for searches to your dashboard
- Displaying custom KPI’s
- Using as a reference for running scripts and workflows
- Automating emailed results
- Many other options.
Let’s take it back a step and answer, what is a saved search?
Tags: NetSuite How To's
How to create a Subproject (ie Child) Project in NetSuite
You can create child project records or subprojects in NetSuite. The concept is very similar to child customers. Most customers that use this feature have projects with large scopes and want to break it down into manageable bites. For instance, creating of a new product involves design, development, and marketing - all of which have their own subset of tasks.
Tags: NetSuite How To's
5 Signs that NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce In Store (SCIS) Point-of-Sale System Might Not be Right for Your Business
SuiteCommerce In Store (or SCIS) is NetSuite’s user-friendly point-of-sale platform for businesses already on NetSuite. In contrast to the more robust NetSuite Point-of-Sale (or NSPOS) platform for enterprise users, SCIS is designed to be run on tablets and features a minimalistic user interface designed for fast order processing and quick onboarding of new sales staff. While SCIS is a good platform for certain customers, it is not a fit for all businesses – especially those with complex requirements. In this post, I’ve review five signs that SCIS may not be the right point-of-sale interface for your organization.
Tags: Product Review
NetSuite How To: Transaction Approval Workflows Using SuiteFlow
In previous posts, I’ve shown how simple, single-state workflows can be used to automate actions like sending emails and setting default field values. In this post, we’ll build upon those basic skills and create a multi-state approval workflow that will guide a transaction through a series of review and approval steps. While I’ll be using a purchase order in my demonstration, this same logic can be applied to practically any transaction type within NetSuite, you may need to add some custom fields if you are adding an approval process onto a record that doesn’t typically support approvals (such as a quote).
Tags: NetSuite How To's
[NetSite Tips & Tricks]: Incorporating If/Then Logic Into Advanced PDF/HTML Templates
NetSuite has two different options for creating customized PDF templates – Transaction Form PDF Layouts and Advanced PDF/HTML Templates. Transaction Form PDF Layouts allow users to add or remove fields and adjust field order and placement, however the general structure is somewhat basic and does not support HTML or the addition of formulas or other logic to the template. In comparison, Advanced PDF/HTML Templates also allow for the addition, removal, and adjustment of fields, but with the added flexibility of enabling users to directly edit the HTML code of the template. Since the HTML code is accessible, users have nearly complete control over the look and feel of each PDF and can build custom logic into the body of the template. For organizations with stringent design requirements or that have complex business logic that drives how information is presented to their customers, Advanced PDF/HTML Templates are the way to go.
Tags: NetSuite How To's