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The Pros and Cons of Self Implementation in ERP Projects

Written by Cherry Tan | Sep 13, 2023 6:00:00 PM

In today's fast-paced business landscape, organizations face constant pressure to optimize their operations and enhance productivity. One way to achieve this is through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. When it comes to implementing an ERP solution, organizations have two primary options: self implementation or partnering with an external vendor. In this article, we will delve into the concept of self implementation, exploring its benefits, challenges, and the factors to consider when making this crucial decision.

What is Self Implementation?

Self implementation refers to the process of an organization independently taking charge of setting up and configuring its ERP system. It involves relying on in-house teams to manage the project, with the possibility of receiving guidance from a publisher or partner. The allure of self implementation lies in the sense of control it offers, as well as the potential for initial cost savings.


Pros of Self Implementation:

  1. Control: Perhaps the most compelling reason for organizations to choose self implementation is the sense of control it provides. Who understands the intricacies of your business better than your own team? This control ensures that the ERP system aligns precisely with your specific needs and processes.

  2. Potential Initial Cost Savings: At first glance, self implementation may appear more cost-effective, as it eliminates the expenses associated with hiring external vendors. Organizations already paying for the ERP license might see self implementation as a way to get the system up and running without additional overhead costs.

  3. In-house Knowledge: Your team possesses invaluable knowledge of your organization's inner workings and operational processes. This familiarity can expedite the implementation process and ensure a smoother transition to the new ERP system.


Cons of Self Implementation:

  1. Lack of Expertise and Experience: While self implementation offers control, it comes with the challenge of lacking expertise in various areas crucial for a successful ERP setup. This includes technical skills, industry knowledge, and project management capabilities, which are often best provided by experienced partners.

  2. Time and Resource Intensive: Implementing an ERP system is a complex undertaking that demands significant time and resources. Organizations must be prepared to allocate a dedicated team to this project while balancing their regular responsibilities.

  3. Potential Delays and Errors: Without the guidance of experienced professionals, self implementation runs the risk of encountering setbacks and errors. Addressing these issues might prolong the implementation process, leading to increased license costs and delayed benefits.


Choosing the Right Path

When deciding between self implementation and partnering with an external vendor, organizations must assess their specific needs and resources. It's essential to evaluate the expertise required for a successful implementation, such as industry knowledge, technical skills, integration capabilities, and data migration proficiency.

Regardless of the chosen approach, having an in-house ERP expert is highly beneficial. This individual can become the driving force behind the project, ensuring that your organization maintains control over the system's configuration and customization, leading to a more sustainable solution in the long run.



Implementing an ERP system is a transformative journey that requires careful consideration and planning. Self implementation can be a viable option for organizations seeking complete control over the process and initial cost savings. However, it comes with its own set of challenges, mainly related to expertise, time, and potential errors.

On the other hand, partnering with an experienced vendor can bring valuable industry insights, technical proficiency, and project management expertise, leading to a smoother and more efficient implementation. In the end, the right approach hinges on finding the best fit for your organization's unique needs and goals, ultimately paving the way for enhanced efficiency and growth in the long term.

For further inquiries or expert guidance on ERP implementation and how Concentrus can assist your organization, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of specialists is ready to help you make informed decisions that will drive your business forward. Contact Concentrus today to embark on your ERP implementation journey with confidence and success.


About Us

Concentrus is a leading provider of innovative cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, including NetSuite. Our team of NetSuite experts offers a range of services, including NetSuite price analysis, NetSuite training, and NetSuite integration services.  

Our goal is to help businesses of all sizes maximize their investment in NetSuite by providing expert NetSuite cost optimization and implementation strategies. With years of experience as a NetSuite partner, our NetSuite administrators and NetSuite consultants are well equipped to help businesses of all sizes with their NetSuite consulting needs.  

Whether you're looking for a NetSuite consultant to help with your NetSuite implementation or you need ongoing NetSuite support, Concentrus is here to help. 


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