Moving to a new ERP system is a big investment of time, money and resources. There’s no question about that. It’s only natural that decision makers want to take some time to ensure that they are getting the right solution for their business so that they can get the most ROI out of their investment.
What is ERP Analysis Paralysis Costing Your Company?
Tags: ERP
5 Features that Simplify Inventory Management for Cell Phone Wholesalers
As a wholesaler of cell phone units, parts, or accessories, you’ve got a lot of different kinds of inventory in multiple locations to keep track of.
Tags: ERP, Inventory Management, Wholesale Distribution, Cell Phone Industry
ERP? CRM? MRP? OMG What does it all mean!?
You’re thrown into the world of business management software and data management systems and you are hit with acronyms upon acronyms. So what do they all mean? Here is a small cheat sheet to help you get through some of the highly referenced acronyms.
Tags: ERP
Tips & Tricks to Create ERP Business Processes That Work For Your Company
One of the most contentious issues in the world of ERP and IT is how much attention to give to current state and future state ERP business processes. Opinions on the issue run the whole spectrum on how this should be addressed; some people feel that companies should let their ERP systems dictate what new processes will be, while others feel that current state and future state processes should be documented and analyzed in detail. Many people, including myself, feel that the approach should fall somewhere in between.
Tags: ERP, Project Management