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Isaias Torres, Consultant

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Use System Notes in Saved Search

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jun 27, 2024 9:48:00 AM

A common problem is updating values in NetSuite and then needing those old values or trying to recall what was there before. NetSuite system notes is a great tool that tracks changes throughout the system on essentially every record type. This will be an example of how to use systems notes on an item saved search.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Saved Search, System Notes

Custom Field with Global Search

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jun 11, 2024 12:05:05 PM

When creating custom fields that are many different options to choose from. The different options being in the field type, how the field is getting its value, are you using a list or saved search, do you need it to store its value, the list is quite long. There is one option that can be overlooked that is quite powerful, that field is the Global Search checkbox.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Custom Fields, Search, Global Search

Workflow Converting Sales Orders to Cash

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on May 23, 2024 11:48:43 AM

In order to automate a sales order into a cash sale record there are certain fields that must be populated. On any sales order record, under the Billing subtab you will see the field Payment Method or Payment Option. This is the trigger point in the system to let NetSuite know that you are receiving a form of payment on this order rather than sending this to an Invoice record. By populating a value into this field NetSuite will convert this into a cash sale. If this field is empty, then by default the record will convert into an Invoice.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Sales Order, Workflow, Cash Sale

PO Rate Field

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Apr 18, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Here's a handy tip for creating drop-shipped items: you can set your preferred vendor and purchase price on the item record itself! This sublist on the Purchasing/Inventory subtab of the item record will reference the vendor in which you are ordering the item from.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Accounting, NetSuite Tips, Financial, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite Language, Netsuite ERP, Custom Fields, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support, PO Rate

A Guide to NetSuite Item Types: Groups, Assemblies, Kit/Packages

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Apr 11, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Groups, assemblies, and kits/packages are various categories of items that bundle together multiple individual items for sale. In the realm of inventory management, understanding the nuances of different item types is essential for efficient operations and streamlined workflows.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Accounting, NetSuite Tips, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite ERP, Netsuite Updates, Items, Assembly Items, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support, Kits and Packages

Keeping Your Vendor Records Organized: Printing Separate Vouchers in NetSuite

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Mar 28, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Ever run into a situation where your bill payments have so much detail they can't fit on a single check voucher? NetSuite can help!

NetSuite allows you to print a separate voucher page with all the remittance advice. When you print a separate voucher, the bill will not be listed on the voucher part of the check. Instead, the actual check voucher will indicate that the remittance advice is on a separate page.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Accounting, NetSuite Tips, SuitePromotion, Promotions, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite ERP, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support

Creating Promotions

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Mar 19, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Promotions in NetSuite is a powerful tool that allows you to create different and exciting discounts that can be applied to orders. There are multiple ways to create a Promotion and we will walk you through the different ways to set it up. 

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Accounting, NetSuite Tips, SuitePromotion, Promotions, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite ERP, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support

Label Field Saved Search

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Feb 1, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Saved Searches are a powerful tool within NetSuite, allowing you to create custom reports by combining various records. But what if the native or custom field names don't exactly scream clarity for reporting purposes? That's where the Custom Label field comes in.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, Reporting, Customer Service, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Customize, Saved Search, Netsuite ERP, New User, Customer Records, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support, Customer Preference

Customer Preference-Send Transactions

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jan 30, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Streamlining customer communication is key to building lasting relationships, and NetSuite's Customer Preference settings empower you to do just that. Let's explore how to preset delivery methods for transactions, ensuring your customers receive information in their preferred format.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, Reporting, Customer Service, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Customize, Netsuite ERP, New User, Customer Records, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support, Customer Preference

Enabling Estimates Feature

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jan 9, 2024 11:00:00 AM

In this article, we will explore the functionality of the Estimates feature. Depending on your business and the system's functional requirements, the Estimate/Quotes feature may or may not be enabled. If the feature is not activated, the option to create Estimates records during transaction creation remains invisible.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite ERP, Netsuite Updates, Estimates Feature, NetSuite Features

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