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Leveraging SuitePromotions Capabilities

Posted by Jose Moreno, Consultant on Apr 26, 2022 9:46:33 AM

In today’s competitive e-commerce environment, promotions can make all the difference. Managing effective promotions can help drive sales and increase customer satisfaction. After all, who doesn’t like a good deal? A customer is more likely to make a purchase when they see a savings opportunity, and Netsuite’s SuitePromotions can help incentivize customers to spend more by offering stackable promotions, best offer, and free shipping, to name a few features. We’ll take a brief look and learn how to set up a promotion using the SuitePromotions feature in Netsuite.

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Tags: NetSuite, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, SuitePromotion, Marketing, Sales, Coupons, Promotions

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