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Custom Field with Global Search

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jun 11, 2024 12:05:05 PM

When creating custom fields that are many different options to choose from. The different options being in the field type, how the field is getting its value, are you using a list or saved search, do you need it to store its value, the list is quite long. There is one option that can be overlooked that is quite powerful, that field is the Global Search checkbox.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Custom Fields, Search, Global Search

PO Rate Field

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Apr 18, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Here's a handy tip for creating drop-shipped items: you can set your preferred vendor and purchase price on the item record itself! This sublist on the Purchasing/Inventory subtab of the item record will reference the vendor in which you are ordering the item from.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Accounting, NetSuite Tips, Financial, NetSuite Integrations, NetSuite Administrator, Netsuite Language, Netsuite ERP, Custom Fields, Netsuite Updates, NetSuite Features, NetSuite Support, PO Rate

Custom Fields on Forms

Posted by Isaias Torres, Consultant on Jun 1, 2023 4:53:21 PM

Netsuite forms will contain native fields on their pages and sometimes that is not enough. When additional fields are needed on a form, custom fields come into play. Custom fields allow you to add a variety of options on your form. When deciding to add a custom field, you have a few options to find the page to create a custom field.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Customize, Customization, Custom Fields

Counting Selected Values in a Custom Field from Saved Search

Posted by Kevin Suh, NetSuite Administrator on May 4, 2023 11:06:17 AM

NetSuite provides a variety of search tools to identifyimportant information, filter criteria, and obtainthe real-time data. I will shareone of the latest NetSuite search tips, methods, formula restrictions, and the importance of using NetSuite’s tools to quickly find information. In this blog, I will share the great tip to count the number of selected values from the custom field.  

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Project Management, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Saved Search, Customization, Custom Fields

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