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Changes to NetSuite’s UPS Shipping Integration

Posted by Jose Moreno, Consultant on Jun 20, 2024 9:30:00 AM

On August 2, 2024, UPS will be updating their authentication process. This will require NetSuite administrators to make several changes in the system to accommodate the authentication process change. Not implementing the changes may cause existing UPS integrations to fail on August 2. If you use the native NetSuite Shipping integration to quote shipping for sales orders during order entry or use the integration to generate shipping labels for UPS, this blog will help walk you through the necessary changes in NetSuite. Note: this change will not be required if you use Ship Central’s Ship Engine authentication for UPS.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Shipping, Integrations, UPS

How To Request SOC Docs

Posted by Sara Duong, Consultant on Aug 3, 2023 3:49:07 PM

What is a SOC report? SOC stands for service organization controls. Oracle NetSuite's SOC II is a type II report which means it covers both design and operating effectiveness, are prepared and audited by independent third-party auditors and covers controls on security, availability, and confidentiality.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Shipping, compliance, SOC

NetSuite Release Preview 2023.2 – Upcoming Enhancements to ShipCentral

Posted by Jose Moreno, Consultant on Jul 27, 2023 9:00:00 AM

NetSuite recently released ShipCentral, an application formerly known as PackStation which is built on the SCM Mobile framework. ShipCentral facilitates order fulfillment operations and comes included with the NetSuite WMS license. While the ShipCentral release back in Release 2023.1 presented exciting news for businesses in need of a robust shipping platform, it nevertheless missed some important functions used by many B2B or B2C companies. The upcoming 2023.2 ShipCentral release looks to address many of the requests and concerns and looks to be a very exciting release. We’ll take a look at some of the cliff notes which are available and provided by NetSuite here: NetSuite 2023.2 Release Notes.

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, Warehouse Management System (WMS), NetSuite Tips, Netsuite WMS, Shipping, International Shipping, Release Preview, ShipCentral, Warehouse Distribution

Managing Handling Fees for Oversized Items

Posted by Jose Moreno, Consultant on Jul 20, 2023 10:25:04 AM

In the supply chain sphere, shipping fees are simply a cost of doing business. However, while shipping costs are usually an unavoidable business expense, they can quickly eat away at your profit margins if they are not effectively managed. These days, you tend to see all sorts of shipping fees that tend to drive up the overall cost of doing business. Handling fees, fuel fees, extended delivery fees, oversized fees, there is a fee for almost anything you can think of. Oversized fees in particular can affect you if you carry larger items and freight companies such as UPS already assess oversized fees for these items that tend to be bulkier and occupy more dimensional space. Being able to assess a proper handling charge for these larger items can have a significant impact on shipping costs and can help you make sure the cost of shipping is accurately assessed and handled (no pun intended). So how can we manage these handling costs in NetSuite? We will be answering this question on this blog. Read on to find out.  


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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Shipping, Warehousing, Warehouse, Netsuite Fees, Fees, Handling, Oversized Items

International Shipping Forms

Posted by Kevin Suh, NetSuite Administrator on Jul 4, 2023 9:00:00 AM

You need to prepare accurate, detailed customs documents to help keep your international shipments on track. In Netsuite, UPS and FedEx shipping integration enables you to electronically submit trade documents for international shipments. After you fulfill an order using FedEx or UPS, it generates an electronic version of the trade documents and then transmits them with your shipment. PDF versions of the documents are attached to the fulfillment record order. 

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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Order Fulfillment, Shipping, International Shipping, Shipping Form

WMS Pack Station: Adjusting

Posted by Jose Moreno, Consultant on Oct 5, 2022 10:26:46 AM

During your WMS PackStation implementation, you may have noticed your packages have autogenerated numbers. Generally, those autogenerated packages follow the numbering scheme of sales order # + some number. In most cases, the default numbering scheme will suffice for most customers. However, as with most settings in Netsuite, this can be customized based on business requirements.  

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Tags: NetSuite, Reporting, NetSuite How To's, Warehouse Management System (WMS), NetSuite Tips, WMS, Supply Chain Management, Netsuite WMS, Shipping, Pack Station, Carton

Orders Being Shipped Under North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Posted by Kevin Suh, NetSuite Administrator on Oct 4, 2022 9:26:42 AM

You might have encountered error/ notice: "There are no international customs documents to print for this fulfillment" when printing commercial invoice on Item Fulfillment. When shipping between US, Canada and Mexico, it is a requirement for NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Certificate of Origin to enter the criteria of the item being exported. What is NAFTA? And how does this impact you?   

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Tags: NetSuite, Reporting, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, Order Fulfillment, Shipping, NAFTA

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