Inline editing is a great feature in Netsuite. Inline list editing enables you to update records quickly by changing data directly in a record's row on the list page. This capability supports faster and easier editing because you do not have to go into each record to edit it.
You can also edit multiple records simultaneously by using keyboard commands. Addresses cannot be edited on list pages using inline editing. Inline list editing is available when the Inline Editing feature is enabled. To enable the feature, go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. On the Company subtab in the Data Management section, check the Inline Editing box and click Save.
To use inline editing:
- Use the Edit switch at the top of the page to turn on inline editing. When editing is off, the switch displays an x.
- When editing is on, the switch has a green check.
- The list page refreshes to display an edit icon in each column header that contains editable fields. You can also identify editable fields by placing the cursor on them. A field is editable if the cursor turns into a hand when on the field.
- Click the field where you want to enter or change information.
- Click away from the field to save your changes.
- The data is automatically saved on that record.
- Use the Edit switch at the top of the page to turn on inline editing. When editing is off, the switch displays an x.
However, you might have encountered the issue of using the inline editing on a list or saved search, even when the Inline Editing feature is enabled. I will quickly go over the behavior and the reasons. Also, I will provide the solution for those behaviors.
- The role of the user only has the View permission level for the permission related to the record type
- Solution
- Login as administrator
- Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
- Custom role: Click Edit
- Click Permissions
- Locate the permission related to the record type the user is trying to edit via Inline Editing
- Level: Select Edit
- Click Save
- Solution
- The field is to be edited is hidden on the preferred form
- Solution
- Login as administrator Navigate to Customization > Forms > Entry Forms
- Preferred form: Click Edit
- Click Fields
- Field: Show: Enter Checkmark
- Click Save
- Solution
- The preferred form's Enable Field Editing on Lists preference is disabled
- Solution
- Navigate to Customization > Forms > Transaction / Entry Forms
- Preferred form: Click Edit
- Enable Field Editing on Lists: Enter Checkmark
- Click Save
- Solution
- The Display Type of the field to be edited is set to Inline or Disabled
- Solution
- Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields
- Field: Click Edit
- Click Display
- Display Type: Select Normal
- Click Save and Apply to Forms
- Select the form where to show the field
- Click Save
- Solution
- The field to be edited uses a formula
- Solution
- Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Entity Fields
- Field: Click Edit
- Click the Sourcing & Filtering / Validation & Defaulting tabs
- Check if there's anything selected in the Source List or Default fields
- Solution
- The field to be edited is not applied to the record type
- Solution
- Create a custom Item field:
- Navigate to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Item Fields
- Label: Enter label
- Store Value: Enter Checkmark
- Type: Select Free-Form Text
- Click Applies To
- Inventory: Enter Checkmark
- Non-inventory: Enter Checkmark
- Click Save and Apply to Forms
- Select Show for all forms that apply
- Enter a value for the custom field via Inline Editing:
- Navigate to Lists > Accounting > Items
- Click Customize View
- Click Available Filters
- Type:Show as Multi-Select: Enter Checkmark
- Click Save
- Filters:Type: Select Inventory Item, Non-inventory Item and Service Item
- Create a custom Item field:
- Solution
- The field to be edited is a Multiple Select field
- The role of the user has Restrict Time and Expenses preference enabled
- The role of the user does not have the Find Transaction permission
- Solution
- Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles
- Custom role: Click Edit
- Click Permissions
- Click Transactions
- Permission: Select Find Transactions
- Level: Select Edit or Full
- Click Save
- Solution
- The user tries use inline editing on a transaction list or saved search that has multiple transaction types
- The user tries use inline editing on a transaction list or saved search with results that contain line item fields
- The user tries use inline editing on a transaction list or saved search that returns rows representing line items
- Solution
- Navigate to Lists > Search > Saved Searches
- Saved Search: Click Edit
- Click Criteria
- Filter: Select Main Line
- Main Line: Select Yes
- Solution
- The role of the user only has the View permission level for the permission related to the record type
If you want to learn more about Inline Editing or need help with Saved Search, please contact Concentrus today to discuss your needs.
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