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Troubleshooting for Record Does Not Exist in the SuiteScript

Posted by Steven Chao on Feb 25, 2025 9:00:00 AM
Steven Chao

Troubleshooting for Record Does Not Exist in the SuiteScript


Error Message: That record does not exist.

When you are using the SuiteScript to do the customization, you may encounter this kind of error in certain situation. This article will discuss the possible cause and how to troubleshoot this error.

This error means you are trying to operate on a record that does not exist in the system.

Possible Cause

  • Invalid Id or Type You use the wrong type or Id when trying to load / operate on a record.
    Check the Id and the Type should be the first thing when you see this error.
    (Note: some ‘type’ field on the record is not as same as the record type, to load the record, you must use the type in the record.Type enum)
  • Timing Issue If you create many record asynchronously, you should confirm the record is created (not creating) before you operate on it.
  • Record.Save() It’s possible to see this error during the record.save() operation. It sounds a little bit weird, but this may be caused by if you setValue to the Record instance with a field internal Id. For example:

var rec = record.create({type: 'customer'});
rec.setValue('id', '23456');// The customer with internal id 23456 does not exist
rec.save(); // This may cause the error

This may happen when you try to copy a record with its field value and do exclude the internal id field.
Just remove the setValue id row then the record can be created without exception.


There are several reasons that can cause the RCRD_DSNT_EXIST error, above did not contain all the possible reasons.
The key to troubleshooting this error is keep in mind that this exception is thrown when a Record instance not operated in expected way.
Check all the place your code create / load / set value to a record instance, and make sure the record is created / loaded correctly before you operate on it.
Hope this article can help you understand why this error may happen and give you some ideas to resolve the error.





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Tags: NetSuite, ERP, Reporting, NetSuite Partner, NetSuite How To's, NetSuite Tips, SuiteScript, Create, Edit, Record, Not Exist When Save

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